I thought I would just say this, because I can't wait to post it tomorrow.
You absolutely need to see before and after photos of mama-dog. When she got home from Wisconsin, she just . . . wasn't right. Pretty low energy, lots of grunting. I kept mountain biking and hiking with her until she made it pretty clear that she wasn't having it. I would take her on a trail run and she would dawdle forever unless we were heading back, in which case she'd hightail it home. In the week before puppies popped out, I could actually outrun her. It was crazy. I wanted to keep her fit, though, so I pushed her within reason.
On her due date:
I mean, even her expression is different. There is this photo from six weeks in and she looks sway-backed. I kept wondering if her back has always been that low or if I had just not noticed it before. No, Fury was just letting it all hang out.
She's getting pretty good about leaving the puppies now, she'll let herself out to go to the bathroom and sort of wants to go on walks - we make it up to about the end of the cul de sac before she starts hopping in my arms and trying to push me home again, but at least she gets out for a few minutes. She's calming down about me handling them.
I am NOT loving that she appears to not want to feed herself, so I am hand feeding her food all day long, and she's getting goats milk with agave and liver supplements, too. Hopefully she will eventually eat, but for now, what the princess wants, the princess gets, I guess.
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