Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Good/sad News

First, how about an adorable photo of Rippa at Yishai’s with her neighbor pal Finley the BC?


They play all. day. long.

Anyway, so Stephanie contacted me today and we’re good to go – she is most likely flying out on Monday. Yishai and I may or may not go to see her off, though I am leaning toward “may.” I am just worried about her being like, “Yay you’re here to . . . put me on a plane.” But I shouldn’t anthropomorphize. She’s gonna go, “Yay! Breeder parents! Woah! Plane! Woah, new family? Well . . . okay then!”

I called Lisa today to prepare her. We talked for a bit and everyone agrees this is the right thing to do. I am excited about giving her to someone who enjoys working with dogs to help them and knows how to. In fact, what’s really cool? New home (I’ll tell you about them when this is a done deal) is thinking about starting a blog to keep us all up to date on what she is doing with Daca.

And I have to say, how cool is that?

I know there are a number of you who do not even have dogs that read this. My learning experience has touched not only the immediate people involved, but all of you. How many people will benefit from my cataloguing this experience now and in the future? And it just keeps moving forward.

And moreover, Lisa and I both told each other today that we were grateful to have one another in each other’s lives, and I definitely feel that about Daca’s first home, too. Nobody feels like they got a raw deal, no guilt, no shame, and there is a lot of love, openness, and learning going on that’s really very healthy. I feel at peace with what’s happened because I feel like, as Lisa said, “Things happen for a reason.” Everyone comes into your life to teach you something, even dogs. I am fortunate in this entire scenario to have been surrounded by reasonable, supportive, essentially loving people who are lights in this world.

All the pain, all the stress, all the fear is worth it when I look at what everyone has gained from this. Especially when I know Daca will be just fine. She’s been well loved everywhere she’s been and she’s adjusted well to every change. I’m grateful for that little adorable puppy. She’s brought a lot of good into my life along with all the bad, and I wouldn’t change it in hindsight because she taught me early and well.

I love what Lisa has said in reaction to the post before this: “I can drive a station wagon or even a high performance sedan but I have come to the conclusion I cannot drive a Ferrari....I am gonna miss my little red Ferrari terribly.”

Loves to everyone reading, even if you do so with judgment in your heart.


  1. glad that Daca has a new home that feels right. I hope that she will blog about it, as we would like to see how she handles her. Good luck Daca!

  2. So what is up with Daca??? I saw on facebook that she just flew out? I thought she was in her new home?? I am praying that this is the home for her, for your sake amd hers...
