From Fie and all of us at Tara!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Day 6 - I cannot help myself.

Day 6 - Fury's ready for a break
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Day 5 - Fury is so thin!
You absolutely need to see before and after photos of mama-dog. When she got home from Wisconsin, she just . . . wasn't right. Pretty low energy, lots of grunting. I kept mountain biking and hiking with her until she made it pretty clear that she wasn't having it. I would take her on a trail run and she would dawdle forever unless we were heading back, in which case she'd hightail it home. In the week before puppies popped out, I could actually outrun her. It was crazy. I wanted to keep her fit, though, so I pushed her within reason.
Day 5 - Thinking about health and homes

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Day 4 - Socialization/Stimulation
Monday, December 28, 2009
Day 3 - The Deed Is Done
Crunch. And I went to twist the tail off as per Terry's instruction, but it was a clean cut - didn't hold the wound together, so holding it for a minute, also not an option. A bead of blood formed, and I wondered about hemostating him, but wondered what exactly I would hemostat together, so just added a bunch of QuickStop (blood coagulant) and we flipped him over.

Day 3 - Yuck
So, having an Australian shepherd automatically signs you on to the historical utility of docking tails. I have always defended this practice. If you are a real working stockdog in California, you need it done. Same reason they dock sheep tails. It just become a mess. They didn't evolve naturally for the environment, so cut cut cut.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Day 2 - Photos and Names
Day 1 - Labor

around enough pregnant dogs to know the signs, so I was a little worried that she'd been off her food for a while and shivering but not doing anything yet. As the 26th came, it seemed to be the same thing. We tried to get her to stay in the whelping box, but all she wanted to do was go sit in her plant-den in the backyard and dig there. Eventually Yishai and I (he was over to help with the litter -- he loves my dog as much as I do, and he's getting a puppy) gave up and let her cuddle in the blankets on the couch with us. Poor Yishai was sick, and has been sick for about three weeks. They were quite a team.

Over time, I've decided that the Fury has a part in the future of the Australian Shepherd. She's of the kind of stock that Jay Sisler started with: high-drive, high-talent, biddable dogs that I really don't see a lot of and know that there are people out there who, given the right set of management skills, could use.
Who: Because of that, I started to ask around about possible dogs who might reinforce that and also not be a huge outcross to what I have while I establish a line of dogs. Again and again, I came back to Anne Jesperson's Ben, whom I had seen grow from a puppy via the AussieBoard. I've always liked his pedigree, as it's similar to my dog's - a mix of established lines and real-life working ranch dogs (and a linebreeding on Slash V Chickaspike who has proven to be a very influential sire), and I love his looks. He's got a bit more bone and a nice structure that I think should compliment my own dog's.
Here's a link to Ben's "about me" website: Birch Hollow's Habenero
I love that Ben works independently without a lot of direction and can really read his stock. He was recommended by third parties for precisely this reason.
Desired Outcome: This litter is designed to produce the same kind of high-drive, hot-to-work dog that the Fury and Ben are. **They are NOT ideal for homes that won't put them to work, nor are they a good choice for someone's first working Aussie.** But they should be the kind of dog that allows you to do what you want: whether it's trial/exhibition or real-life working situations (these homes are preferred). They are, in essence, what I believe the quintessential Aussie should be, and that isn't for everyone. Also, please note: the puppies will *not be elligible for AKC registration.* They are ASCA only.
Pedigree of:[Potential Offspring] | WTCh Birch Hollows Habenero HRDIIs Red C/W F=6.74% 3/28/2006 | Birch Hollows Dash O Whiskey OTDc STDs DNA-VP Red C/W AS-17078G24M-PI F=4.54% E109896 DL83922201 5/26/2000 | WTCH Hangin Tree Dude PATDcs RD RTDcs DNA-CP E61004 DL81203401 | |
Holmbergs Prairie Wildfire RTDcds RTDs OTDsdc HRD-IIs HTD-Is DNA-VP E94214 DL80877301 | ||||
Andrews Tyche Red C/W F=17.98% E148394 6/24/2005 | Slash V Andrews Redchickaspike OTDc E76166 | |||
Dairyanns Lazy H Slash | ||||
C-Me Fury And the Mire of Tara STDc RS-E, JS-E, GS-O, DNA-VP Red Merle W AS-21383G32F-PI F=8.35% E126072 1/29/2003 | Slash V Skipa Star STDs DNA-CP Black W RF AS-16485G24M-NOPI F=8.19% E112696 12/26/1999 | WTCHDiamond S Sam PATDs E78525 | ||
Slash V Key To Success STDsc RD E58681 | ||||
WTCH C-Me Amandas Purdy Red Murial RTDcs DNA-CP Red Merle W AS-15432G45F-NOPI F=3.80% E85677 11/6/1996 | Slash V Andrews Redchickaspike OTDc E76166 | |||
Andrews Little Blue Tazmanian E78505 | ||||