The puppies woke me up this morning in a raucous mood. "We're hungry, play with us," etc etc. Fury is not having it anymore. "There's your food, you too good for your food?" she asks. They have big, fatty bellies now so I am okay with her deciding not to feed them every time they cry - although I totally understand why moms get up in the middle of the night. I don't want to torture my poor roommates with puppy screaming.
Actually, when I finally got out of bed this morning, Laura had a couple puppies out and had given them their pan of dog food. Have I mentioned how much I love my roommates? Couple that with Yishai, who very much considers this litter to also be partly his responsibility, and we have a village raising these dogs. Which reminds me that I need to have kids over to play with the puppies again. I wonder who I can cajole into that? :)

Here's one of the outtakes from stacking session #1. Daca's so cute with her half-half action.

Puppy seasick - the age old "how to stack a squirrelly puppy" method.

I decide the puppies are being housetrained enough to have their sheepskin back, except, yay, ONE puppy always spoils the bed for the others. I gotta figure out who it is. Maybe its a different one each time, no idea. So all the toys and sheepskin are currently hanging out on a line. I also have one heck of a pile of laundry to run tomorrow.

The forecast this week calls for rain pretty much every day. Sweet. The puppies have definitely outgrown their pen for long periods of time, and I really don't want to expand it out. My one roommate has a pile of plastic I might try to string across the pens so they can go outside still and stay mostly dry.
You would not believe the mess in the morning. I make sure they play and potty around 11 and then they sleep through the night now (happy happy happy!) but upon rising, the place is stinky as heck. Poops and urine-soaked potty areas are so fun. They are getting to be very high maintenance at this stage. I don't know how I'll manage to keep them nice for another three weeks.

The Fury has decided that vigilance outside the pen is just as good, thankyouvery much. The walls are low and she jumps out quite easily. Kathy Warren asked how I was going to keep her in - we all know how little Fury enjoys being penned. So far, so long as she spends most of her time out there, I don't care if it's in or out of the pen.
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