Chris is coming by today after work for fancy 2-week photos. He had wanted another go at them before their eyes opened, but today Dactyl had a surprise of us - two squinty baby blues! Moto's working on it. I am quite sure Daca's got two blue eyes. For those of you who don't know, Aussie puppies' eyes are all dark blue when they open, and then they change usually either to amber or china blue. Based on the shade, you can make a pretty accurate guess, and I am voting for china blue.

Oh, and PS, during stimulation, we found that Optimus Prime was also in possession of eyes - brown (no surprise there - solid color Aussie pups rarely have blue eyes). Also caught Daca standing by herself in classic puppy pose - pooing. This is a big deal. They can stand on their own and eliminate on their own now. I'll have to start cleaning the box a bit more as Fury's not going to be able to suck up the errant urination if she doesn't create it herself. Ewwwww, mama dogs eat puppy eliminations? Yup. They do.

I also tried doing the more hard-core stimulation exercises yesterday and was thrilled with puppy reactions. Everyone was tolerant of everything (heads bobbing along as I swung them at arms' length) except being dipped in cool water. I didn't do any of it for a full minute. Figured we could work up to that from there. Fury was sure I was murdering puppies when I got them wet, but their stimulation/relaxation response was excellent. Quiet as soon as I pulled them out of the water and quiet through the towelling. I am quite please with their early personalities.

I'll have videos of walking and even more grumpy Optimus Prime (and other puppies) soon by popular request.
And now, your moment of zen:
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