So last night, Yishai spent a good part of the party talking about his dog and showing the guests photos of her on his iPhone. I have not seen him this stoked in a while. Well, that's not true. He's kinda always stoked, but I'm glad he's happy about his puppy. As he picked her up and loaded her into the car, he said, "This is a momentous occasion! Eeee!" and if I were more annoying I'd have gotten you a photo.
I woke up this morning and realized that I did not send him home with puppy food (he had also absconded with my phone, so I needed that back) so I dressed quickly after putting the other pups out to eat and play and drove over there with snacks. He was asleep, and Rippa looked happy in her little crate on top of his end table. When she saw me and Fury she was quite thrilled and tried to play with Fury, who was not in the mood. I took her out to go potty and Yishai told me she was very good. No crying or anything. I hope that bodes well for everyone else.
So now I officially have five puppies in my care. Two more will hopefully get shipped off next Tuesday and then I am driving up to the San Francisco Bay Area for a baby shower so the remainders will come hang out with my nephews and parents and sister, with Patrick picking up his dog then.
Today Chris comes over for week 7 photo shoot (which is more like week 7.5) and should be the last individual one. I'll probably stack them or something for photos on Saturday night.
I'm more than a little disappointed in how things are going for poor Fie and Moto, which are two of the most tractable dogs in the litter. I thought I might have both placed with really good homes for them, and both homes fell through for interesting reasons - but as I always tell my students, it's not usually a reflection of you and your offerings, but a reflection of the other person's projections. One woman, despite knowing Rippa was not available, decided that if she couldn't have her, she would have no puppy. At this point, Yishai asked me if it would be easier for me to sell Rippa and maybe he should just take Moto (whom he does love). But I am not going to let him sacrifice his pick puppy to make my life easier. Another said that I was asking too much for a non-AKC dog, which was interesting because where I come from, solid stockdogs registered with AKC are not really important. And really, I am not asking that much - upper end for stockdogs, but this litter has been expensive. You keep stockdog prices low so homes can afford them - I've even offered payment plans to good homes because that's more important to me than the dolla dolla bills. But whatever, Anne told me a story about how the price she was asking was too high because the person usually got their stockdog from the pound. Right . . . to each his own, I guess.
So anyway, that's that. I am way too busy for the remainder of the week to worry about it. I hope that the kids end up somewhere fantastic, though I am happy that if I do end up with the two pups for a while, they are definitely the most easy keepers. I just worry that I won't have time to give to them.
Anyway, on to cuter thoughts - I have been saying all along that Curry looking just like Fury - I thought I would do a Fury-as-puppy expose'. Of course, this is really hard because back when I switched computers I managed to delete all of Fury's photos along with all of 2006's photos and all my music. It was the awesome. So, here we have the few remaining snippets (mostly mined from Tracey's website).

This is the photo I used to say, "Yes, I want her." Maybe this explains my confoundedness with some of these lookyloo puppy buyers. My first dog I bought off a photo, my second I picked as soon as he popped out of his momma, and this is how I chose Fury. Right or wrong, you end up thinking your dog was by far the best choice for you no matter what. I have no regrets. Anyway, she's the one on the far right. For some reasons he looks almost pinkish here - but she was definitely a lot lighter.
And here's Fury when I picked her up at the airport and when she got home:

Yup, the irony is that when Curry's owner asked for a puppy, she wanted a little Fury pup. I was worried they wouldn't turn out looking like her. That she ended up with her spitting image is pretty cool. Those ears are gonna be awesome.
And for fun, Anne posted a photo of Ben at 4 weeks a few weeks back on AussieBoard:
I hearted Ben way back then. :) She says Moto takes after him most, but I dunno:
I think Firma does.
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