Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lake days and big decisions

So Yishai and I had to go out to the lake yesterday after putting on a grueling 24-hour race that I am still trying to recover from (I don't do well with no sleep). I am always mad I don't take photos so I did, and here you go.

Daca loves her breeder papa.

Everyone on the pontoon boat. It still amazes me that they don't fall off or get nervous on it.

Y lovin' on momma dog.

Daca in the captain's chair.

I was thinking I haven't gotten any updates on puppertons in a while, but I think I'll not harass owners until I really can't stand it. I think quietness is just as good as daily reports - it means things are good in dogland.

And on that note, Yishai and I are headed north to San Juan Bautista to check out Kay Spencer's sheep co-op. I think it will be a nice way to put miles on the Fury and teach Yishai how to handle her without time constraints put on by lessons. I'm not putting the puppies on her sheep because I really know nothing about properly starting a puppy on stock and I did such a crummy job on my own with Fury that I want them to get started right - at Kathy Warren's. 

Them, I said them. One of the things we're doing at Kay's is meeting a family from Santa Cruz that might be interested in Daca. Just for a pet - which she'd like. I also have another prospective home that's a cattle ranch/pet situation in Missouri. As I said before, this feels like dating, and I have never liked dating two guys at once, so this is an interesting feeling for me. I am happy that Yishai is there and takes such a big role in the pupper's lives. I think his influence will be a good one on this. One one hand, if all goes well today, she'll be local and i won't have to worry about how she's adapting because I can always go get her if it doesn't work out. On the other, Missouri will be the kind of home I bred her for - and I get the bonus of her being an indoor housedog/pet. I just don't really want to ship her across the country again if we're uncertain. The Missouri home definitely wants her, so if today's family decides she's not a good fit, that's probably where Daca is going. I also feel bad if they don't want her and had to drive a one-hour drive out to meet her for nothing.

Ugh, I am so nervous. But, hakuna matada, no worries. What will be will be. And all that.

1 comment:

  1. If it's any consolation, I once drove for 2 days to look at a puppy. Breeder was willing to let him go to me, but I didn't feel a strong pull to him and decided not to bring him home. No biggie. I met some nice people and dogs, saw some scenery I hadn't seen before, and spent 4 straight days in the car.

    If it doesn't feel right, it doesn't feel right. Daca's "suitors" will learn something whether she goes home with them or not.
